Australian Seashells P/L - 5 Ealing Mews, Kingsley WA 6026, Australia. web:, e-mail:
Genus Species Author Locality Description Grading Price
Austrocochlia adelaide (Philippi, 1849) Australia, VIC 15-16mm, dark grey / black pustulose sp, w/o F++/GEM     3.00
Calliostoma annulatum (Lightfoot, 1786) USA, California 16-20mm, super gold coloured sp, purple spiral bands, w/o F++/GEM  20.00
Calliostoma annulatum (Lightfoot, 1786) USA, WA State 20-22mm, granulated gold sp, purple spiral bands, w/o F++/GEM  25.00
Calliostoma annulatum (Lightfoot, 1786) USA, WA State 22-25mm, granulated shells, purple spiral bands, w/o F++/GEM  30.00
Calliostoma antonii Koch, 1843 Mexico, West Coast  15-20mm, cream/tan with darker highlights, w/o  F++/GEM    4.00
Phasianotrochus apicinus Menke, 1843 Australia, WA  18-20mm, tall and slender, olive green shells  F++/GEM     3.00
Tectus architectonicus (Adams, 1853) Australia, WA 35-45mm, tall sp, very even vertical ridges, w/o F++ 12.00
Calliostoma armillata Wood, 1828 Australia, TAS 25-35mm, tall purple/red species, dark protoconch  F++     6.00
Calthalotia cf arruensis (Watson, 1880) Australia, QLD 14-16mm, stepped species, fine peripheral beads F++/GEM 6.00
Monodonta articulata Lamarck, 1822 Europe, Turkey 18-20mm, nice pattern, heavy, some spire erosion w/o F+/F++ 4.00
Herpetopoma atrata (Gmelin, 1791) Australia, WA  20-25mm, dark, heavily inflated, dark brown/black w/o  F++/GEM    3.00
Clanculus atropurpureus Gould, 1849 Australia, WA 10-12mm, dark brown/black Broome sp, purple apex  GEM    3.00
Monilea belcheri (Philippi, 1849) Australia, QLD 12-15mm, colourful, some red & salmon pattern F++/GEM  4.00
Phasianotrochus bellulus (Dunker, 1845) Australia, SA 13-15mm, very colourful & variable, iridescent aperture F++/GEM  3.00
Astele bularra Garrard, 1961 Australia, QLD 22-25mm, finely sculptured gold / bronze species  F++/GEM     6.00
Astele bularra Garrard, 1961 Australia, QLD 22-25mm, finely sculptured gold / bronze species   F+/F++     3.00
Monilia callifera (Lamarck, 1822) Australia, QLD 15-18mm, speckled brown / black on grey  F++/GEM    3.00
Thalotia chlorostoma Menke, 1843 Australia, WA  20-25mm, super red/orange sp, iridescent aperture, w/o  F++/GEM     4.00
Austrocochlea concamerata Wood, 1826 Australia, WA  12-15mm, black with yellow pattern, w/o  F++/GEM     2.00
Eurytrochus concinnus (Dunker, 1889) Australia, QLD 5-6mm, small tan species with darker spots F++    3.00
Thalotia conica Gray, 1827 Australia, WA  18-20mm, variable patterns, w/o  F++/GEM     3.00
Austrocochlea constricta (Lamarck, 1822) Australia, WA  18-20mm, black & white, very variable, w/o  F++/GEM     2.00
Trochus conus (Gmelin, 1791) Indonesia 50-60mm, tall elegant sp, pink striped pattern, w/o F++ 5.00
Trochus conus (Gmelin, 1791) Indonesia 60-80mm, tall elegant sp, pink striped pattern, w/o F++ 8.00
Isanda coronata (A Adams, 1854) Australia, QLD 4-5mm, very shiny, inflated species F++/GEM     3.00
Calliostoma dedonderi Vilvens, 2000 Philippines 8-10mm, shiny, stepped spire, spiral sculpture, pink spots F++/GEM 4.00
Clanculus dunkeri Koch in Philippi,1843 Australia, WA  10-12mm, typical with fine granular sculpture F++/GEM     4.00
Jujubinus escondidus Poppe et al, 2006 Philippines 7-8mm, small colourful sp, predominantly green F++/GEM     3.00
Calliostoma eximium Duclos, 1843 Mexico, West Coast  18-20mm, tall, dashes around whorls, dead but good F++ 5.00
Phasianotrochus eximius (Perry, 1811) Australia, WA  20-30mm, dark olive green with iridescent aperture F++/GEM     3.00
Phasianotrochus eximius (Perry, 1811) Australia, SA  15-18mm, super blood red form  F++/GEM      4.00
Bankivia fasciata Menke, 1830 Australia, SA  7-8mm, very variable colour range  F++     2.00
Trochus fenestratus (Gmelin, 1791) Australia, QLD 40-50mm, green / olive vertical stripes, pustulose, w/o F++ 5.00
Trochus fenestratus (Gmelin, 1791) Australia, QLD 50-60mm, green striped, pustulose, rare this size, w/o F++ 8.00
Euriclanculus flagellatus Philippi, 1848 Australia, TAS 15-18mm, heavy squat species with angular margin F++/GEM     4.00
Clanculus floridus Philippi, 1850 Australia, NSW 10-12mm, squat, mottled brown species  F++/GEM     4.00
Calliostoma formosensis E A Smith, 1907 Taiwan  45-50mm, super dark shells with operculum  F++/GEM     4.00
Tegula funebralis A Adams 1855 USA, California 18-20mm, predominantly grey / black, w/o  F++     4.00
Trochus glyptus Watson, 1879 Australia, NSW  20-25mm, rare deep water shell, with operc  F++/GEM  30.00
Calliostoma gloriosum Dall, 1871 USA, California 20-22mm, tall, inflated body whorl, some with bands, w/o F++/GEM  10.00
Maurea granti Powell, 1931 New Zealand 25-35mm, more finely pustulose than punctulatum, w/o  F++/GEM  10.00
Calliostoma granulatum Born, 1778 Europe, Spain  25-30mm, tall smooth elegant species w/o  F++/GEM     6.00
Ethalia guamensis Quoy & Gaimard,1834 Indonesia  15-18mm, smooth shiny species, very variable colours F++/GEM     4.00
Trochus hanleyanus Reeve, 1847 Australia, WA  30-35mm, red with variable patterns, w/o  F++/GEM     10.00
Trochus histrio Reeve, 1842 Australia, Exmouth 20-25mm, tall heavily pustulose species w/o  F++/GEM     5.00
Calliostoma hungerfordi  Sowerby, 1888 Japan  25-28mm, tall straw coloured species  F++/GEM     5.00
Granata imbricata (Lamarck,1816) Australia, WA  20-30mm, interesting Haliotis-shaped Trochus sp F++     3.00
Calthalotia indistincta (Wood 1828) Australia, NSW 15-20mm, tall angular species, grey / brown speckled F++/GEM     4.00
Phasianotrochus irisodontes Quoy & Gaimard,1834 Australia, WA  15-20mm, spectacular iridescent green shells  F++/GEM     3.00
Calliostoma jujubinum Gmelin, 1791 Honduras  20-25mm, tan/brown tall species with white flecks  F++/GEM     5.00
Calliostoma kiiense Ikebe, 1942 Japan  20-25mm, smooth, tan, double keel on body whorl w/o F++/GEM     5.00
Monodonta labio (Linnaeus, 1758) Australia, WA  20-25mm, super shells with lovely red spire, w/o  GEM     5.00
Cantharidus lehmanni Menke, 1843 Australia, WA  14-16mm, with vertical stripes  F++/GEM     3.00
Cantharidus lehmanni Menke, 1843 Australia, WA  14-16mm, bright red - rare this colour  F++/GEM     5.00
Jujubinus lepidus (Philippi, 1846) Australia, WA  10-14mm, variable patterns, w/o  F++/GEM     3.00
Calliostoma ligatum Gould, 1849 USA, California 18-20mm, deeply grooved species, w/o F++/GEM  6.00
Calliostoma ligatum Gould, 1849 USA, California 20-25mm, deeply grooved species, w/o F++/GEM  8.00
Clanculus limbatus Quoy & Gaimard 1834 Australia, WA 20-25mm, tall Albany sp, acute angle on body w/o  F++/GEM     4.00
Osilinus lineata (da Costa, 1778) Europe, UK 25-30mm, rare in good condition, w/o F++ 3.00
Gibbula magus (Linnaeus, 1758) Europe, UK 20-30mm, from Dorset, large, pink/red highlights w/o F++ 4.00
Calliostoma monile Reeve, 1863 Australia, WA  16-18mm, tan sp, blue/purple squares along suture w/o F++/GEM     5.00
Calliostoma nephloide Dall, 1913 Mexico  15-18mm, tall smooth species - tan with dark blotches  F++/GEM    5.00
Diloma nigerrima (Gmelin, 1791) New Zealand 20-24mm, black, smooth & low sp. with flat base, w/o F++/GEM  3.00
Norrisia norrisi (Sowerby, 1838) USA, California 35-40mm, low spired, broad sp, deep umbilicus, w/o F++ 8.00
Cantharidus opalus (Martyn, 1784) New Zealand 30-40mm, tall, smooth, variable, iridescent aperture, w/o F++/GEM  7.00
Maurea osbornei (Powell, 1926) New Zealand 20-25mm, tall, tan, fine spiral ribs, dense pustules, w/o F++/GEM  10.00
Calliostoma palmeri Dall, 1871 Mexico, West Coast  23-25mm, nicely stepped, purple on columella, w/o F++/GEM  3.00
Calliostoma pellucidum (Valenciennes, 1848) New Zealand 35-45mm, colourful conical sp, w/o F++/GEM  8.00
Cittarium pica (Linnaeus, 1758) Mexico, East Coast 50-70mm, robust sp with black stripes on white, w/o F++ 5.00
Cittarium pica (Linnaeus, 1758) Mexico, East Coast 70-100mm, robust sp with black stripes on white, w/o F++ 8.00
Jujubinus polychromus (A. Adams, 1853) Philippines 8-10mm, tall red form of species, some white flecks F++/GEM     3.00
Jujubinus polychromus (A Adams, 1853) Philippines 8-10mm, tall green form of species, some white flecks F++/GEM     3.00
Austrocochlea porcata (A Adams, 1853) Australia, TAS 18-22mm, tall, black & white striped, some red, w/o F++/GEM  3.00
Notogibbula preissiana Philippi, 1848 Australia, WA 7-8mm, small angular species with pink / red spots F++    3.00
Prothalotia pulcherrimus (Wood, 1828) Australia, WA  12-14mm, dark red / purple or brown, vertical stripes F++/GEM     3.00
Maurea punctulatum Martyn, 1978 New Zealand  25-35mm, inflated, brown, fine white speckled pattern w/o F++/GEM  6.00
Clanculus puniceus (Philippi, 1846) Africa, Tanzania 20-22mm, super dark red sp, dark highlights on lip F++/GEM  2.00
Cantharidus purpureus (Gmelin, 1791) New Zealand  14-16mm, red with low pustules  F++/GEM     5.00
Trochus radiatus (Gmelin, 1791) India 25-30mm, tall sp, with red & green vertical pattern, w/o F++/GEM     3.00
Tegula regina Stearns, 1892 Mexico, West Coast 40-50mm, tall, stepped, brown/black, gold at aperture, w/o F++ 10.00
Austrocochlea rudis (Gray, 1826) Australia, SA 25-30mm, tall grey/black species, w/o F++ 3.00
Pseudotalopia sakuraii Habe, 1961 Philippines 14-15mm, smooth tan sp. with fine spiral dashes F++/GEM  5.00
Calliostoma scotti Kilburn, 1973 Africa, SA 25-30mm, elegant tall sp with white pustules on suture F++/GEM  20.00
Calliostoma selectum (Dillwyn, 1817) New Zealand 40-50mm, speckled sp, angular base, w/o F++/GEM  10.00
Calliostoma similarae Reeve, 1863  Australia, WA  18-20mm, red beaded cord on whorls  F++/GEM     8.00
Maurea simulans Marshall, 1994 New Zealand 35-45mm, heavily ribbed, deep water sp, w/o F++ 15.00
Astele stenomphala (E. A. Smith, 1898) Australia, WA 10-12mm, smooth red/brown species F++/GEM  4.00
Calthalotia strigata A Adams, 1853 Australia, Broome 15-18mm, very variable with dramatic vertical stripes  F++/GEM     3.00
Calliostoma suturale (Philippi, 1836) Africa, Senegal 15-17mm, smooth & tan, with keeled body whorl, w/o F++/GEM  6.00
Calliostoma ticaonicum (A Adams, 1851) Philippines 12-14mm, tall, smooth & tan species F++/GEM  3.00
Calliostoma tigris (Gmelin, 1791) New Zealand 35-50mm, orange/red sp, inflated body whorl, w/o F++/GEM  10.00
Calliostoma tranquebaricum (Roeding, 1798) India 18-20mm, smooth with sharp keel on base F++/GEM  4.00
Calliostoma tricolor Gabb, 1865 USA, California 18-20mm, super dark with black spiral lines w/o F++/GEM  10.00
Phorcus turbinatus (Born, 1778) Malta 22-24mm, robust, inflated sp., black flecks on pale, w/o F++ 4.00
Chlorostoma cf turbinatus (Adams, 1853) Japan  18-22mm, grey/black with rounded vertical nodules w/o F++     5.00
Chlorostoma turnerarum (Powell, 1964) New Zealand  50-60mm, deep water, low spired, fine dashes on tan F++/GEM     25.00
Steromphala umbilicalis (da Costa 1778) Europe, UK 16-18mm, low dark species, deep umbilicus, w/o F++/GEM     3.00
Clanculus undatus (Lamarck, 1816) Tasmania  25-28mm, dark brown heavy sp with block pattern w/o F++/GEM     5.00
Vaceuchelus vangoethemi Poppe et al, 2006 Philippines 4-6mm, small, tan, pustulose species, dead but good dead 2.00
Oxystele variegata Anton, 1838 Africa, SA 18-22mm, low smooth dull green sp, w/o F++/GEM  4.00
Trochus viridis (Gmelin, 1791) New Zealand  20-25mm, tall granular species  F+/F++     5.00
Chlorodiloma zeus Fischer, 1874 Australia, WA  18-20mm, inflated cream/green, vertical orange lines w/o F++/GEM     3.00



UPDATED 29-12-24