Australian Seashells P/L 5 Ealing Mews, Kingsley WA 6026, Australia. web:, e-mail:
References: "Australian Landsnails" (Vol 1 & 2) by Stanisic et al (2010-2018);"Compendium of Landshells" by Abbott (1989);"Tropical Landshells Of The World" by Parkinson, Hemmen & Groh (1987)
Genus Species Author Locality Description Grading Price
Plectopylis achatina Gray, 1834 Thailand 16-20mm, flat - tightly coiled sinistral sp, intricate aperture F++/GEM 6.00
Ustronia acuminata (Poey, 1851) Cuba 14-15mm, yellow phase, with operc F++/GEM 18.00
Ustronia acuminata (Poey, 1851) Cuba 14-15mm, pink phase, with operc F++/GEM 20.00
Cyclophorus acutimarginatus (Sowerby, 1842) Philippines 25-30mm, very depressed, high spire tip, large aperture F++/GEM 3.00
Pleuroxia adcockiana Bednall,1894 Australia, NT 12-14mm, nicely banded F++ 6.00
Papuina adonis Angas, 1869 Papua N. Guinea 22-25mm, pale yellow with cream spiral bands F++ 8.00
Papuina admiralitatis Rensch, 1931 Papua N .Guinea 20-25mm, with typical zig-zag banding F++ 5.00
Geophorus agglutinans (Bartsch, 1918) Philippines 12-14mm, f. negrosensis, flat yellow sp, dark spiral line F++/GEM 2.00
Cerion aguayoi de la Torre & Clench, 1932) Cuba 30-32mm, truncate inflated sp F++/GEM 25.00
Cepolis alauda Férussac, 1821 Cuba 20-22mm, low spired, inflated species with bands F++ 10.00
Calocochlia albaiensis Sowerby, 1841 Philippines 40-42mm, f semperi, large heavy white sp, brown bands F++/GEM 8.00
Pedinogyra allani Iredale, 1937 Australia, QLD 60-70mm, discoidal sp, flat spire, wide umbilicus, thick lip F++/GEM 35.00
Iberus alonensis Férussac, 1801 Europe, Spain 35-40mm, low spired but inflated body whorl F++ 6.00
Anguispira alternata (Say, 1817) USA 15-20mm, low spired circular shells, speckled patterns F++ 2.00
Robdotus alternatus (Say, 1830) Mexico 25-30mm, tall spired cream sp, variable shapes F++ 3.00
Albinaria amalthea (Westerlund, 1878) Europe, Greece 18-20mm, very elongate, sinistral sp, toothed aperture F++/GEM 3.00
Westraltrachia ampla Solem, 1984 Australia, WA 15-18mm, pale fawn, single white band on body whorl F++/GEM 4.00
Tropidophora anceps Von Martens, 1878 Africa, Tanzania 27-28mm, pale shells with wide single band F++/GEM 8.00
Anctus angiostomus (Wagner, 1827) Brazil 20-22mm, vertically striped sp, elongate aperture F++/GEM 20.00
Helicostyla annulata Sowerby, 1841 Philippines 24-28mm, predominantly yellow, some banded, variable F++/GEM 3.00
Figuladra appendiculata Reeve, 1854 Australia, QLD 30-35mm, nicely banded sp F++/GEM 5.00
Cyclophorus appendiculatus Pfeiffer, 1886 Philippines 30-35mm, low flat heavy species with thickened lip F++/GEM 3.00
Phoenicobius aratus Sowerby, 1841 Philippines 44mm, tall spired sp, finely furrowed, some banded GEM 3.00
Arianta arbustorum (Linnaeus, 1758) Switzerland 20-22mm, brown banded species with white flecks F++/GEM 3.00
Sphaerospira arthuriana (Cox, 1873) Australia, QLD 35-40mm, dark brown, low spired sp with brown lip F++/GEM 8.00
Tropidophora articulata Gray, 1834 Rodriguez Isl 30-35mm, white, very ribbed, possibly extinct, dead but good dead 10.00
Pygmipanda atomata (Gray, 1934) Australia, NSW 45-55mm, tall spired thin sp, vertical dots & dashes - rare F++/GEM sold out
Cochlorina aurismuris (Moricand, 1839) Brazil 28-30mm, pale, tall spired sp with extended aperture F++/GEM sold out
Austrosuccinea australis Férussac, 1821 Australia, WA 10-12mm, orange and fragile species F++ 2.00
Pancala bacca Pfeiffer, 1865 Taiwan 20-22mm, low spired sp, 2-3 brown spiral lines F++/GEM 15.00
Steorra bala (Brazier. 1878) Australia, QLD 35-40mm, Magnetic Isl., red/brown sp, pale brown lip F++/GEM 8.00
Bothriembryon balteolus Iredale, 1939 Australia, WA 18-20mm, dead but very nice with mottled brown dorsum F++ 6.00
Cochliccella barbara (Linnaeus, 1758) Israel 7-10mm, typical for species F+/F++ 2.00
Chondrothyra barbouri (de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938) Cuba 30-32mm, dark olive green / brown sp with flared lip F++/GEM 25.00
Figuladra barneyi Stanisic, 2010 Australia, QLD 40-50mm, dark aperture, very rare F++/GEM 10.00
Ampelita basizona (Mousson, 1882) Africa, Madagascar 30-35mm, dark brown, low spire, sharp keel, deep umbilicus F++/GEM 10.00
Satsuma batanica Adams & Reeve, 1848 Philippines 15-18mm, unusual sinistral sp, white with brown bands F++ 8.00
Figuladra cf bayensis (Brazier, 1876) Australia, QLD 32-35mm, strongly banded brown lip, very localised sp F++/GEM 10.00
Syndromus beccarii (Tapparone-C., 1885) Indonesia 40-45mm, white/cream, sinistral species, broad lip F++/GEM 18.00
Sinumelon bednalli (Ponsonby, 1904) Australia, NT 20-24mm, very inflated tan species with recurved lip F++/GEM 8.00
Gnarosophia bellendenkerensis Brazier, 1875 Australia, QLD 50-55mm, rare species F++/GEM 20.00
Helicophanta bicingulata Smith, 1882 Africa, Madagascar 45-50mm, dark brown low spired, very inflated body whorl F++/GEM 6.00
Obba bigonia Férussac, 1828 Philippines 25mm, flat with spiral banding F++/GEM 4.00
Auris bilabiata Broderip & Sowerby, 1829 Brazil 40-45mm, heavy sculpture and thick aperture F++/GEM 25.00
Hadra bipartitus Férussac, 1822 Australia, QLD 50-55mm, large, spectacular, enzootic species F++/GEM 4.00
Balea biplicata Montagu, 1803 Europe, Belgium 15-18mm, tall shells with distorted aperture F++/GEM 3.00
Placostylus bivaricosus Gaskoin, 1855 Australia, L Howe Is 60mm, endemic to LHI, only from this tiny Island F++ 15.00
Hemiglypta blainvilleana Lea, 1840 Philippines 35-40mm, low spired brown sp with darker base F++ 6.00
Sphaerospira blomfieldi Cox, 1864 Australia, QLD 35-40mm, dark red brown, tall shell F++ 5.00
Helicostyla cf boholensis (Broderip, 1892) Philippines 40-50mm, tall cream sp, darker tan lip F++/GEM 5.00
Papuina boivini (Petit, 1841) Papua New Guinea 20-24mm, tall white sp, multiple brown spiral bands F++/GEM 6.00
Placostylus bovinus (Bruguière, 1789) New Caledonia 70-80mm, tall heavy sp, orange-red aperture F++/GEM 15.00
Forcartia buehleri (Rensch, 1933) Papua New Guinea 30-35mm, shiny brown sp, variable vertical zigzag lines F++/GEM 6.00
Bothriembryon bulla Menke, 1843 Australia, WA 22-25mm, inflated pale straw coloured shells F++/GEM 5.00
Amplirhagada burnerensis Smith, 1894 Australia, WA 15-18mm, inflated cream species, apricot aperture tint F++/GEM 4.00
Amplirhagada burnerensis Smith, 1894 Australia, WA 18-20mm, inflated cream species, apricot aperture tint F++/GEM 6.00
Ampelita calypso Pfeiffer, 1861 Africa, Madagascar 40-45mm, low flat dark brown shells with grey/blue aperture F++/GEM 6.00
Helicostyla camelopardalis (Broderip, 1841) Philippines 35-45mm, tall, thin sp, fine vertical lines, dark aperture F++/GEM 8.00
Camaena campanula Pfeiffer, 1890 Philippines 20-25mm, very inflated chocolate brown shells F++/GEM 4.00
Bulgarica cana (Held, 1836) Europe, Poland 15-18mm, brown sinistral sp with toothed aperture F++/GEM 3.00
Chrysallis caniceps Bartsch, 1932 Philippines 50-60mm, tall dark brown with pale vertical lines F++/GEM 4.00
Tropidophora carnicolor Fulton, 1902 Africa, Madagascar 22-25mm, white with multiple bands of brown F++/GEM 4.00
Rhagada capensis Solem, 1997 Australia, WA 18-20mm, very inflated white species F++ 5.00
Trachycystis capensis (Pfeiffer, 1841) Africa, SA 15-18mm, tall spired pale sp, dark central band, spiral lines, w/o F++/GEM 5.00
Ringincella carinata (Pfeiffer, 1853) Brazil 15-20mm, very rare inverted species, toothed aperture F++/GEM 85.00
Cerion ceiba Clench, 1948 Cuba 25-28mm, form ceiba, fine axial sculpture, busy pattern F++/GEM 25.00
Polygyra cereolus Muehlfeld, 1818 USA, Florida 8-9mm, very flat species with distorted aperture F++ 4.00
Chondrothyra cerina (de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938) Cuba 20-22mm, squat brown species, flared lip F++ 25.00
Cyclophorus ceylonicus Pfeiffer, 1846 Sri Lanka 25-30mm, typical pattern F++/GEM 4.00
Cerion chaparra Aguayo & Sanchez Roig, 1953 Cuba 20-22mm, tall undulating sculpture, fine brown flammules F++/GEM 35.00
Limicolaria charbonnieri Bourguignat, 1889 Africa, Rwanda 35-40mm, tall species with large brown blotches F++/GEM 12.00
Strophocheilus chilensis Sowerby, 1833 Chile 18-20mm, desert dwelling species F++ 10.00
Eutrochatella chittyana (Pfeiffer, 1858) Jamaica 8-10mm, spectacular yellow sp, white & pink specks, w/o F++/GEM 15.00
Amphidromus chloris Reeve, 1848 Philippines 40-42mm, bright yellow, sinistral F++/GEM 4.00
Calocochlia chrysocochila (Sowerby, 1841) Philippines 45-55mm, lovely lemon yellow sp, thick peach coloured lip F++/GEM 10.00
Rhiostoma chupingense Tomlin, 1938 Malaysia 25mm, spectacular loosely coiled species F++/GEM 5.00
Camaena cicatricosa (Mueller, 1774) China 40-42mm, pale tan sinistral sp, slightly keeled, rare F++/GEM 20.00
Helicostyla cincinniformis (Sowerby, 1841) Philippines 35-45mm, tall white sp with dark brown spiral bands F++/GEM 4.00
Chilostoma cingulata Studer, 1820 Europe, Austria 20-25mm, low spired species with single dark band F++ 3.00
Naninia citrina (Linnaeus, 1758) Solomon Islands 30-35mm, spectacular yellow shells with brown band F++/GEM 5.00
Tomigerus clausus Spix, 1827 Brazil 15-16mm, flat sp, cream / brown lines reverse onto themselves F++/GEM 12.00
Dendrotrochus cleryi Recluz, 1851 Papua N. Guinea 12-15mm, variable species including white & brown form F++/GEM 5.00
Elaphroconcha cochlostoides Schepman, 1892 Indonesia 25-30mm, form viridis, yellow green shells F++/GEM 5.00
Albinaria coerulea Rossmassler, 1835 Europe, Greece 15-16mm, very elongate shells with distorted aperture F++/GEM 3.00
Asperitas colorata Haltenorth & J.,1940 Indonesia 30-35mm, f komodoensis, nice yellow/cream sp, black lined F++/GEM 10.00
Amplirhagada combeana Iredale, 1938 Australia, WA 15-18mm, cream with brown band dead 4.00
Victaphanta compacta Cox & Hedley, 1912 Australia, VIC 20-25mm, black, glossy and rare endemic shell F++ 25.00
Helicostyla concinna Sowerby, 1841 Philippines 40-45mm, form virens, white with darker band F++ 6.00
Helicostyla concinna Sowerby, 1841 Philippines 40-45mm, form freckled, brown/ tan with dark spots F++ 8.00
Kora corallina Simone, 2012 Brazil 38-42mm, tall, elongate dark brown species F++/GEM 80.00
Leptopoma coronensis Quadras & Moellendorff, 1895 Philippines 20-22mm, low wide sp, wide brown bands on tan sp F++/GEM 5.00
Albinaria contaminata (Boettger, 1878) Europe, Greece 10-12mm, f incommoda, grey, brown flecks, distorted aperture F++/GEM 3.00
Amphidromus contrarius Mueller, 1774 Indonesia 30-35mm, spectacular tall elegant species (sinistral) F++/GEM 5.00
Rhagada convicta Cox, 1870 Australia, WA 20-22mm, smooth inflated species F++/GEM 4.00
Albinaria corrugata (Bruguiere, 1792) Europe, Greece 15-20mm, tall, slender grey sp, intricate sculpture on whorl F++/GEM 4.00
Bothriembryon costulatus Lamarck, 1822 Australia, WA 15-18mm, vertical tan lines on pale sp, small and inflated F++/GEM 4.00
Bentosites coxi Crosse, 1873 Australia, QLD 35-40mm, multiple spiral bands F++/GEM 8.00
Chondropoma crenulatum (Potiez & Michaud, 1836) Guadeloupe 10-12mm, tall & tapered, no protoconch, busy axial sculpture F++ 4.00
Albinaria cretensis (Rossmaessler, 1836) Europe, Greece 15-18mm, tall, slender grey sp, sinistral, distorted aperture F++/GEM 3.00
Newboldius crichtoni (Broderip, 1836) Peru 50-60mm, elongate species, vertical stripees, purple interior F++/GEM 65.00
Hainesia crocea Sowerby, 1847 Africa, Madagascar 25-28mm, orange and chocolate brown F++/GEM 4.00
Calocochlia cryptica Broderip, 1841 Philippines 50-60mm, large smooth inflated species F++/GEM 6.00
Tropidophora cuvieriana Petit, 1841 Africa, Madagascar 50-55mm, dramatic shape F++ 10.00
Helicostyla dactylus Broderip, 1841 Philippines 40-45mm, tall shells with orange / tan perio F++ 4.00
Theobaldius dautzenbergi Fulton, 1907 Indonesia 12-14mm, loosely coiled, with brown stripes F++/GEM 6.00
Cyclophorus daranganicus Hidalgo, 1888 Philippines 30-35mm, mottled brown & tan shells, thickened lip F++/GEM 5.00
Bulimulus dealbatus Say, 1821 USA, Texas 22-25mm, inflated cream / tan species F++ 3.00
Planispera deaniana Ford, 1890 Papua N. Guinea 20-22mm, low spired, white shell, brown band, pink lip F++/GEM 15.00
Ampelita denisi Dautzenberg, 1928 Africa, Madagascar 35-40mm, pale tan/peach, dark band, low/flat, inflated whorl F++/GEM 8.00
Anostoma depressum (Hupe, 1856) Brazil 25-30mm, f. verreouxianum, inverted sp, small apertural teeth F++/GEM 45.00
Cyclotus discoideus Sowerby, 1842 Sumatra 20-22mm, low spired loosely coiled sp with operc F++ 6.00
Bothriembryon distinctus Iredale, 1939 Australia, WA 25-30mm, desert dwelling species, fresh live sp F++/GEM 4.00
Cerion dorotheae Aguayo & Joume, 1951 Cuba 20-22mm, variable colours, very fine sculpture F++/GEM 20.00
Calocochlia dubiosa Pfeiffer, 1845 Philippines 25-30mm, dramatic brown shells, dark spiral bands F++/GEM 5.00
Caryodes dufresnii Leach, 1815 Australia, TAS 30-35mm, very rare endemic seldom offered F++ 12.00
Caryodes dufresnii Leach, 1815 Australia, TAS 25-28mm, dryforest form, elongate & banded F++/GEM 10.00
Sinumelon dulcensis Solem, 1993 Australia, NT 20-23mm, smooth tan inflated species F++/GEM 6.00
Xanthomelon durvilii Hombron & J., 1841 Australia, NT 25-28mm, inflated white shells with perio intact F++/GEM 6.00
Ampelita duvallii Petit, 1844 Africa, Madagascar 35-40mm, large, low spired with 2 brown bands F++/GEM 10.00
Bothriembryon dux Pfeiffer, 1861 Australia, WA 45-50mm, largest of genus - super pink/purple aperture F++/GEM 8.00
Bothriembryon dux Pfeiffer, 1861 Australia, WA 45-50mm, very rare population, white aperture F++/GEM 8.00
Blaesospira echinus Pfeiffer, 1864 Cuba 5-7mm, spine-covered sp., spire always incomplete, great, w/o F++ 15.00
Pedinogyra effossa Iredale, 1937 Australia, QLD 50-60mm, rare member of this Genus F++/GEM 25.00
Helicostyla effusa Pfeiffer, 1842 Philippines 30-38mm, smooth inflated sp, pale cream, yellow or orange F++/GEM 5.00
Auris egregia Jay, 1836 Brazil 35-38mm, predominately pink with white / yellow aperture F++/GEM 25.00
Bothriembryon esperantia Iredale, 1939 Australia, WA 20-24mm, colourful mottled brown shells, tan aperture F++/GEM 6.00
Steorra esterlillyae Stanisic, 2010 Australia, QLD 48-50mm, very large banded sp, brown lip & umbilicus F++/GEM 25.00
Bentosites etheridgei Brazier, 1877 Australia, QLD 35mm, with spiral bands F++/GEM 10.00
Cerion eximium Maynard, 1894 Bahamas 24-26mm, finely sculptured, brown on green F++/GEM 4.00
Clavator eximius Shuttleworth, 1852 Africa, Madagascar 100-110mm, tall brown species with perio intact F++ 15.00
Cyclophorus eximus Mousson, 1848 Sumatra 60-65mm, very large and spectacular species F++/GEM 15.00
Sinumelon expositum Iredale, 1937 Australia, NT 22-24mm, very inflated tan/brown species F++/GEM 8.00
Chondropometes exquisitum Toore & Bartsch, 1938 Cuba 19mm, tan / brown delicate species F+/F++ 25.00
Hedleyella falconeri Gray, 1834 Australia, QLD 60-70mm, large dark and super F++/GEM 30.00
Hedleyella falconeri Gray, 1834 Australia, QLD 60-70mm, typically thin shells F+/F++ 20.00
Drymaeus farrisi (Pfeiffer, 1858) Peru 35-40mm, very elongate thin shells, variable colours F++ 12.00
Liguus fasciatus Mueller, 1774 Cuba 35-45mm, f aurantius,white, pale yellow banding F++ 15.00
Liguus fasciatus Mueller, 1774 USA, Florida 40-50mm, f fasciatus, very variable, many colour variations F++ 4.00
Liguus fasciatus Mueller, 1774 USA, Florida 35-40mm, form castaneozonatus, darkly banded F++ 4.00
Liguus fasciatus Mueller, 1774 USA, Florida 40-50mm, form elliotensis, pale green bands on yellow F++ 15.00
Liguus fasciatus Mueller, 1774 USA, Florida 40-50mm, form floridianus, finely banded, mottled pattern F++ 10.00
Liguus fasciatus Mueller, 1774 USA, Florida 40-50mm, form livingstoni, fine green band on yellow F++ 12.00
Liguus fasciatus Mueller, 1774 USA, Florida 40-50mm, f marmoratus, colourful brown/tan/yellow bands F++ 10.00
Liguus fasciatus Mueller, 1774 Cuba 45-50mm, form macgintyi, tan & yellow F/F+ 5.00
Liguus fasciatus Mueller, 1774 Various 35-45mm, set of 10 colour forms in range of the varieties F+ 40.00
Chloritis fausta Gude, 1906 Papua N. Guinea 25-30mm, large brown inflated shells F++/GEM 6.00
Placostylus fibratus Martyn, 1789 New Caledonia 90-100mm, very heavy, orange aperture, dark brown perio F++/GEM 15.00
Chloraea fibula Reeve, 1842 Philippines 22-25mm, low spired shells, brown spiral band F++/GEM 5.00
Tropidophora filostriata Sowerby, 1873 Africa, Madagascar 20-22mm, banded with dark and light bands F++/GEM 4.00
Tropidophora fimbriata Lamarck, 1822 Mauritius 10-12mm, pale orange, variable pattern of brown bands F++/GEM 3.00
Marilynessa findera (Iredale, 1937) Australia, QLD 35-40mm, lower shape than M. yulei, excavated umbilicus F++/GEM 10.00
Helicostyla fischeri Hildalgo, 1889 Philippines 40-45mm, tall shiny pink lavender shells F++/GEM 8.00
Helicostyla fischeri Hildalgo, 1889 Philippines 40-45mm, tall pale shells with speckled pattern F++/GEM 5.00
Ceratopoma fischeriana Montrouzier, 1863 Papua N. Guinea 13-15mm, low sp, variable yellow, orange & pink patterns F++/GEM 5.00
Mesodontrachia fitzroyana Solem, 1985 Australia, NT 18-20mm, pale, fawn, squat shells F++/GEM 6.00
Solmogada flexilabris Pfeiffer, 1856 Solomon Islands 18-20mm, tall thin species with spiral brown band F++/GEM 5.00
Drymaeus flexuosus (Pfeiffer, 1852) Colombia 28-30mm, shiny mottled species with elongate lip F++/GEM 65.00
Amphidromus floresianus Fulton, 1897 Indonesia 30mm, sinistral and banded, very variable colours F++/GEM 4.00
Helicostyla florida Sowerby, 1841 Philippines 35-40mm, basically green with variant patterns F++/GEM 4.00
Sphaerospira fraseri Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833 Australia, NSW 45-48mm, large, ovate F++/GEM 12.00
Sphaerospira fraseri Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833 Australia, QLD 50-60mm, f parallela, large, globose - multiple parallel lines F++/GEM 12.00
Bradybaena fruticum Mueller, 1774 Europe, France 18-20mm, smooth tan species F++ 2.00
Tropidauchenia fuchsi Gredler, 1884 China 24-28mm, tall, narrow, restricted whorl, flared toothed aperture F++ 8.00
Achatina fulica Bowich, 1822 Africa, Madagascar 90-100mm, introduced from Africa, heavy and colourful F++ 3.00
Bothriembryon fuscus Thiele, 1930 Australia, WA 35-40mm, dark and large for Genus F++/GEM 12.00
Plectorhagada gascoynensis Smith, 1894 Australia, WA 12-14mm, depressed with intricate axial sculpture F++/GEM 4.00
Bentosites gavisa Iredale, 1933 Australia, QLD 32-35mm, broad dark bands on brown shell, dark aperture F++/GEM 12.00
Helicophanta geayi Fischer & Piette, 1950 Africa, Madagascar 40-45mm, low flat heavy species F++/GEM 5.00
Pleuropoma gladstonensis (Cox, 1864) Australia, QLD 5-7mm, small yellow-orange species F++/GEM 3.00
Forcatia globula Rensch, 1935 Papua N. Guinea 30-35mm, large inflated white with orange aperture F++/GEM 5.00
Helicophanta gloriosa Pfeiffer, 1858 Africa, Madagascar 40-50mm, pale tan flat light species F++/GEM 8.00
Pleuropoma gouldiana Forbes, 1851 Australia, QLD 4-5mm, round with thickened aperture F++ 3.00
Clavator grandidieri Crosse & Fischer, 1868 Africa, Madagascar 80-90mm, very tall pale shells with some perio F++ 10.00
Praticolella griseola Pfeiffer, 1841 USA, Texas 10-12mm, small inflated species with spiral bands F++/GEM 3.00
Bulimulus guadalupensis Bruguière, 1789 Antilles 18-20mm, very variable, with none to multiple bands F++/GEM 2.00
Iberius gualterianus (Linnaeus, 1758) Europe, Spain 35-40mm, spectacular flat shells, file-like sculpture F++ 6.00
Truncatella guerinii A. Valla & J. B.Valla, 1841 Australia, QLD 5-6mm, tapered species F++ 3.00
Helicophanta guesteriana Crosse, 1863 Africa, Madagascar 50-60mm, dark brown with inflated but flat body whorl F++/GEM 8.00
Acavus haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1758) Sri Lanka 40-50mm, f haemastoma, brown bands, purple inside, red lip F++/GEM 3.00
Acavus haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1758) Sri Lanka 40-45mm, form melanotragus, spectacular, white base F++/GEM 4.00
Acavus haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1758) Sri Lanka 40-45mm, form fastuosa, white with pink aperture F++ 4.00
Placostylus hargreavesi Cox, 1871 Solomon Islands 55-60mm, tall & elegant, pink spire, brown mottled pattern F++/GEM 6.00
Pedinogyra hayii Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833 Australia, QLD 50-60mm, very large and heavy F++/GEM 18.00
Partula hebe Pfeiffer, 1846 Society Islands 16-18mm, variable colours incl. white, cream & mauve F++/GEM 8.00
Amphidromus heerianus Jutting, 1941 West Java 45-50mm, form poecillus, pale banded tan/brown, sinistral F++ 4.00
Amphidromus heerianus Jutting, 1941 West Java over 50mm, f poecillus, pale banded, tan/brown, sinistral F++ 10.00
Bentosites hefferani Stanisic, 2010 Australia, QLD 32-35mm, subglobose sp with several dark spiral bands F++/GEM 10.00
Amphidromus helicoides (Grateloup, 1846) Philippines 15-18mm, sharply keeled sp, mottled brown on cream F++/GEM 5.00
Papuina hermione Angas, 1869 Papua N. Guinea 20-25mm, tall shell with wide bands of brown & white F++/GEM 8.00
Cerion herrerai Aguayo & Jaume, 1951 Cuba 25-30mm, cream sp with little sculpture F++/GEM 18.00
Calocochlia hidalgoi Moellendorf, 1849 Philippines 35-38mm, inflated, thick lip, very variable colours & patterns F++/GEM 5.00
Rhachistia histrio Pfeiffer, 1855 Africa, Madagascar 18-20mm, tall white species, orange spiral bands F++ 3.00
Cepaea hortensis Mueller, 1774 Sweden 15-18mm, very variable F++/GEM 3.00
Ampelita hova Angas,1877 Africa, Madagascar 35-40mm, dark brown with pale bands F++/GEM 8.00
Cerion hughesi Clench, 1952 Bahamas 20-22mm, relatively smooth, vertical brown flammules F++/GEM 18.00
Cerion incanum Binney, 1851 USA, Florida 20-25mm, white shells F+/F++ 3.00
Figuladra incei curtisiana (Pfeiffer, 1844) Australia, QLD 30-35mm, dark red/brown sp with paler spire F++/GEM 8.00
Figuladra incei incei Pfeiffer, 1846 Australia, QLD 28-35mm, white, brown spiral banding, base often white F++/GEM 6.00
Figuladra incei lessoni Pfeiffer, 1846 Australia, QLD 30-35mm, red/brown sp, pale yellow on umbilicus, white lip F++/GEM 5.00
Bothriembryon indictus Iredale, 1939 Australia, SA 30-40mm, tall heavy cream Nullarbor Plain sp, dead but very good dead 6.00
Bothriembryon indutus Menke, 1843 Australia, WA 25-30mm, tall dark brown species F++/GEM 8.00
Sphaerospira informis Mousson, 1869 Australia, QLD 45-55mm, very inflated tan / brown, pale fine bands F++ 10.00
Westraltrachia inopinata Solem, 1984 Australia, WA 14-15mm, depressed spire, pale tan F++/GEM 5.00
Physella integra Haldeman, 1841 Canada 8-10mm, sinistral, thin inflated species F++ 2.00
Cochlorina intensior Pilsbry, 1898 Brazil 25-30mm, mottled brown & white, extended anterior lip F++/GEM 20.00
Allaegopis ionicus Kaufel, 1930 Herzegovina 25-26mm, large flat species with sharp keel F++ 8.00
Porphyrobaphe iostoma Sowerby, 1824 Ecuador 65-70mm, fawn shells with purple aperture F++/GEM 15.00
Auris inornata Simone & Amarai, 2021 Brazil 32-35mm, pale pink inflated sp, black thickened lip F++/GEM 35.00
Cyclophorus involutus Mueller, 1774 Sri Lanka 40-44mm, single banded form F++/GEM 6.00
Cyclophorus involutus Mueller, 1774 Sri Lanka 25-30mm, very variable banding patterns F++/GEM 2.00
Cyclophorus involutus Mueller, 1774 Sri Lanka 25-30mm, wholesale offer, 4 specimens with various pattern F++/GEM 5.00
Bothriembryon jacksoni Iredale, 1939 Australia, WA 17-20mm, striking vertical bands (rare) F++/GEM 6.00
Xanthomelon jannellei (La Guillou, 1842) Australia, QLD 28-30mm, small, globose, heavy sp with partly open umbilicus F++/GEM 10.00
Sagda jayana Adams, 1848 Caribbean, Jamaica 18-20mm, very inflated species with small aperture F++ 6.00
Cerion johnsoni Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1895 Cuba 30-32mm, tall pointed sp, coarse axial sculpture F++/GEM 40.00
Troschelviana jugulata (Poey, 1858) Cuba 10-12mm, tall shiny orange sp, very dark red aperture, w/o F++/GEM 20.00
Eurystyla julii Fischer et al, 1965 Africa, Madagascar 25-28mm, globose tan sp, pink/purple sutural line and lip F++/GEM 15.00
Sinumelon kalgum Iredale, 1939 Australia, WA 22-24mm, large inflated pale cream species F++/GEM 6.00
Pedinogyra kalpowar Stanisic, 2010 Australia, QLD 70-80mm, S/E QLD, large, purple, flat, massive reflected lip F++/GEM 65.00
Micrarionta kelletti Forbes, 1850 USA, California 25-30mm, very inflated species with brown perio F++/GEM 4.00
Bothriembryon cf. kendricki Hill et al, 1983 Australia, WA 15-18mm, rare, thin and fragile F+/F++ 6.00
Bothriembryon kingii Gray, 1825 Australia, WA 23-25mm, brown vertical stripes F++/GEM 4.00
Papuina klaarwateri Rensch, 1931 Admiralty Islands 18-20mm, yellow banded F++/GEM 4.00
Amphidromus kruijti Sarasin & Sarasin, 1899 Indonesia 45-50mm, mostly cream/white, pale tan upper whorl pattern F++/GEM 10.00
Ampelita lachensis Férussac, 1851 Africa, Madagascar 35-40mm, very depressed shells, pale tan / brown F++/GEM 10.00
Otala lactea Mueller, 1774 Europe, Spain 30-35mm, low spired, variable, tan/brown, dark brown aperture F++/GEM 4.00
Limcolaria laikipiaensis Preston, 1913 Africa, Tanzania 25-30mm, vary variable, dark vertical stripes on cream F++/GEM 6.00
Ryssota lamarckiana Lea, 1852 Philippines 70-80mm, very large low spired, tan, with perio F++ 8.00
Ampelita lamarei Pfeiffer, 1853 Africa, Madagascar 38-42mm, f. sakalava, mottled brown, extended lip F++/GEM 15.00
Cochlodina laminata Montagu, 1803 Poland 15-18mm, tall,slender, smooth sp, toothed aperture F++/GEM 3.00
Anctus laminiferus Ancey, 1888 Brazil 20-23mm, long vertical lines, slender shell, elongate aperture F++/GEM 20.00
Helicigona lapicida (Linnaeus, 1758) Europe, France 15-18mm, very flat species with sharp keel F++/GEM 4.00
Cochlorina lateralis Menke, 1828 Brazil 25-28mm, distorted species with extended lip F++/GEM 25.00
Bothriembryon leeuwinensis Smith, 1894 Australia, WA 22-25mm, one of the largest in the genus F++/GEM 6.00
Quistrachia lefroyi Solem, 1999 Australia, WA 15-18mm, spherical with central band F++/GEM 4.00
Tropidophora ligata Mueller, 1774 Africa, Madagascar 20-24mm, variable colour patterns, w/o F++/GEM 6.00
Chloraea limansauensis Semper, 1877 Philippines 40-45mm, large smooth white species F++ 3.00
Obba listeri Gray, 1825 Philippines 28-30mm, very low, ovoid, mottled brown/tan, distorted aperture F++/GEM 4.00
Hainesia litturata Morelet, 1877 Africa, Madagascar 30-32mm, tall & slender, extended lip, brown, dark band, w/o F++/GEM 8.00
Pallidelix lonesome Stanisic, 2018 Australia, QLD 30-32mm, ovate sp, amber-green body, white lip F++/GEM 10.00
Naninia luctuosa Sarasin & Sarasin, 1883 Indonesia 35-40mm, f butonensis, round, low spired, tan/brown bands F++/GEM 12.00
Helix lucorum (Linnaeus, 1758) Europe, Italy 45-55mm, inflated sp, variable brown / tan & creambands F++/GEM 5.00
Succinea luteola Gould, 1848 USA, Florida 12-14mm, form floridana,pale cream, yellow aperture F++ 4.00
Austroborus lutescens King & Broderip, 1832 Uruguay 28-30mm, near ponds, smooth bulbous shells F++ 4.00
Hedleyella maconelli Reeve, 1883 Australia, QLD 60-80mm, very rare, tall inflated brown sp, darker bands F++ 30.00
Amphidromus maculata Pilsbry, 1900 Indonesia 30-32mm, slender yellow species F++/GEM 5.00
Amphidromus maculiferus (Sowerby, 1838) Philippines 55-65mm, f multicolor, sinistral, green/yellow striped, thick lip F++/GEM 15.00
Ampelita madecassina Férussac, 1822 Africa, Madagascar 35-45mm, white, low spired, dramatic dark brown spiral bands F++/GEM 6.00
Cerion magister Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1896 Cuba 32-36mm, tall robust sp, coarse axial sculpture F++/GEM 22.00
Xanthomelon magnidicum Iredale, 1938 Australia, QLD 45-50mm, largest sp in genus, globose and heavy F++/GEM 15.00
Chondropometes magnum Toore & Bartsch, 1938 Cuba 20-22mm, delicate, flared lip sp, always eroded spire F++ 25.00
Cerion maisianum Pilsbry, 1902 Cuba 25-30mm, robust with strong axial ribs F++/GEM 30.00
Archachatina marginata Swainson, 1821 Rwanda, Africa 100-110mm, very large, bulbous, vertical stripes, pink columella F++ 10.00
Pleurodonta marginella (Gmelin, 1791) Puerto Rico 30-35mm, low, depressed, sharp margin & dark brown bands F++/GEM 4.00
Caracolus marginella (Pfeiffer, 1852) Cuba 25-30mm, f. mina, low flat sp, white with dark spiral band F++/GEM 18.00
Caracolus marginelloides (d'Orbigny, 1841) Cuba 30-35mm, low flat species, white with dark spiral band F++/GEM 18.00
Helicostyla marinduquensis Hidalgo, 1891 Philippines 60-65mm, very variable - incl. dark striped through to white F++/GEM 8.00
Cerion maritimum (Pfeiffer, 1839) Cuba 22-25mm, smooth species, white F++/GEM 25.00
Pseudochatina martensi D'Ailly, 1896 Cameroon, Africa 60-70mm, spectacular sp, pink/white/brown banding F++/GEM 15.00
Bothriembryon mastersi (Cox, 1867) Australia, SA 15-16mm, globose shells, many axial bands on grey F++ 8.00
Euryladra mattea Iredale, 1933 Australia, QLD 28-30mm, white with pale spiral bands F++/GEM 10.00
Rhyssota maxima Pfeiffer, 1853 Philippines 60-70mm, giant, robust, inflated - orange / tan, banded in brown F++ 6.00
Sphaerospira mazee Brazier, 1878 Australia, QLD 35-40mm, banded, brown lip - very hard to find now F++/GEM 10.00
Bothriembryon melo Quoy & Gaimard, 1832 Australia, WA 23-25mm, bulbous, tan-yellow F++/GEM 5.00
Pupina meridionalis Pfeiffer, 1864 Australia, QLD 10-12mm, typicalfor species F++/GEM 3.00
Obba mesai Bartsch, 1933 Philippines 30-35mm, rounded keel and low spire F++/GEM 4.00
Helicostyla metiformis Férussac, 1821 Philippines 30-40mm, variable sp, some with bands F++/GEM 6.00
Pedinogyra minor Mousson, 1869 Australia, QLD 40-50mm, central coast, smallest of genus, very dark F++/GEM 15.00
Grandinenia mirifica (Chen & Gao, 1982) China 18-20mm, tall, distorted, flared lip, protruding tooth F++ 8.00
Amplirhagada mitchelliana Solem, 1981 Australia, WA 20-22mm, nice & typical for species F++/GEM 5.00
Mesanella monochroa Sowerby, 1841 Philippines 40-45mm, inflated, variable patterns of brown bands F++/GEM 4.00
Paraclavator moreleti Deshayes & F., 1851 Africa, Madagascar 45-50mm, very tall tan species F++ 6.00
Obba moricandi Pfeiffer, 1842 Philippines 30-35mm, low flat shells with rounded keel F++/GEM 6.00
Eurytrachia mucosa (Cox, 1868) Australia, QLD 7-9mm, obscure, low-domed tan sp F++/GEM 4.00
Figuladra muirorum Stanisic & Potter, 2010 Australia, QLD 28-32mm, coastal, globose, red/brown sp, fine spiral lines F++/GEM 10.00
Figuladra muirorum Stanisic & Potter, 2010 Australia, QLD 25-30mm, brown sp, faintly banded initial whorls, white lip F++/GEM 6.00
Steorra mulgravensis (Brazier, 1872) Australia, QLD 40-45mm, Palm Island sp., inflated, brown banded sp F++/GEM 12.00
Anthinus multicolor (Rang, 1831) Brazil 25-30mm, multi-coloured shells with orange / red lip F++/GEM 120.00
Webbhelix multilineata Say, 1821 USA, Iowa 20-22mm, low spired inflated sp, pale tan spiral bands F++ 4.00
Drymaeus multilineatus Say, 1825 USA, Florida 20-22mm, tall elegant cream sp, vertical brown lines F++ 3.00
Bothriembryon multispirus Breure & Whisson, 2012 Australia, WA 22-24mm, very rare elongate species F++/GEM 8.00
Cerion mumia (Beck, 1837) Cuba 24-26mm, form chrysalis, brown mottled sp, coarse sculpture F++/GEM 22.00
Polymita muscarum Lea, 1834 Cuba 20-25mm, inflated, white, fine black spots, pink columella F++/GEM 10.00
Polymita muscarum Lea, 1834 Cuba 18-22mm, dark form, very dark bands, pink columella F++/GEM 12.00
Figuladra narellae Stanisic & Potter, 2010 Australia, QLD 30-40mm, spirally banded, brown-stained open umbilicus F++/GEM 12.00
Bothriembryon naturalistarium Kobelt, 1901 Australia, WA 18-20mm, pale, tall specimens F++/GEM 5.00
Cepaea nemoralis (Linnaeus, 1758) England 20-25mm, very variable colours, always with brown lip F++/GEM 2.00
Ampelita neoglobulus Fischer, Piette et al, 1994 Africa, Madagascar 25-30mm, white / cream sp, brown narrow spiral band F++/GEM 2.00
Chrysalis nigriceps Bartsch, 1938 Philippines 60-65mm, tall vertical bands, with anterior perio band F++/GEM 6.00
Auris nigrilabris Pilsbry, 1896 Brazil 32-35mm, pale sp, spectacular black thickened lip & aperture F++/GEM 45.00
Calocochlia norrisii Sowerby, 1842 Philippines 45-50mm, large inflated shells, very variable F++/GEM 6.00
Bothriembryon notatus Iredale, 1939 Australia, WA 20-22mm, variable patterns F++/GEM 10.00
Pupina novaegeorgiensis Cox, 1870 Papua N. Guinea 20-25mm, cream/white with brown spiral band F++/GEM 3.00
Sinumelon nullarboricum Tate, 1879 Australia, WA 15-20mm, pale tan, smooth, inflated, live taken sp F++/GEM 4.00
Strophocheilus oblongus Scopoli, 1786 Uruguay 70-75mm, f haemastomus, pale pink, pink aperture F++ 10.00
Clavator obtusatus (Gmelin, 1791) Africa, Madagascar 55-65mm, tall tapered sp, some with periostricum F++/GEM 10.00
Helicella obvia Menke, 1828 Hungary 16-18mm, low flat spired species with brown band F++ 3.00
Tropidophora occlusa Moerch, 1852 Africa, Madagascar 30-35mm, heavily keeled shells, flared lip, with operc F++