Australian Seashells P/L - 5 Ealing Mews, Kingsley WA 6026, Australia. web:, e-mail:
Genus Species Author Locality Description Grading Price
Cominella acutinodosa (Reeve, 1846) Australia, WA  20-25mm, very angular species, grey with fine dots  F++/GEM  3.00
Cominella adspersa Bruguieres, 1789 New Zealand  30-40mm, inflated species with brown speckled pattern  F++  5.00
Engina alveolata (Kiener, 1836) Indonesia  12-15mm, spectacular black, white and orange spotted sp   F++/GEM   3.00
Solenosteira anomala (Reeve, 1847) Peru  40-45mm, heavy robust cream sp, large shoulder nodules  F++/GEM  6.00
Neptunea antiqua (Linnaeus, 1758) Europe, Belgium 80-100mm, inflated species, variable shapes, w/o F++  6.00
Engina armillata (Reeve, 1846) Australia, QLD  15-16mm, brown with white band & flecks  F++/GEM   3.00
Cantharus assimilis (Reeve, 1846) Canary Islands 15-20mm, variable species with vertical lines F++/GEM   3.00
Buccinum bednalli Sowerby, 1895 Australia, WA  12-15mm, pale cream with tan banding  F++/GEM   3.00
Aeneator benthicola Dell, 1963 New Zealand  60-70m, tan/orange shells with long anterior canal w/o  F++   15.00
Penion benthicola Dell, 1956 New Zealand 90-100mm, bright orange aperture, fine sculpture, elegant  F++  20.00
Penion benthicola Dell, 1956 New Zealand 90-100mm, bright orange aperture, fine sculpture, elegant F+   15.00
Troschelia berniciensis (King, 1840) Europe, UK 95-105mm, rare deep water Scot sp, elongate, grooved, w/o F++ 40.00
Atillophos candei d'Orbigny, 1853 USA, Florida  20-22mm, white or cream-colouredtall species  F++/GEM  5.00
Siphonalia cassidariaeformis  (Reeve, 1843) Japan  50-55mm, tan sp, sparse blotches on inflated body whorl  F++/GEM  8.00
Siphonalia cassidariaeformis  (Reeve, 1843) Japan  30-40mm, f funerea, compact, finely brown lined body, w/o  F++/GEM  5.00
Austrofusus chathamensis Finlay, 1928 New Zealand  50-60mm, inflated, single ridge of fine body whorl nodules, w/o F++  12.00
Penion chathamensis  Powell, 1938 New Zealand 90-120mm, large like ormesi but more inflated, no spiral lines F+/F++   25.00
Cantharus capitaneus Berry, 1957 Mexico, West Coast  30-40mm, heavily sculptured - with operc  F++/GEM  5.00
Japeuthria cingulata (Reeve, 1847) Japan 30-40mm, deep water trawled sp., always eroded spire F+/F++ 8.00
Tasmeuthria clarkei Tenison-Woods, 1875 Australia, SA  15-20mm, small, cream-coloured, heavily sculptured   F++/GEM  4.00
Engina concinna (Reeve, 1846) Australia, WA  15-20mm, banded black and white, nicely sculptured  F++/GEM  6.00
Buccinulum corneum (Linnaeus, 1758) Mediterranean  40-50mm, smooth, tapered sp, predominantly cream, w/o  F++  4.00
Phos crassus (Hinds, 1843) Panama  40-45mm, nicely banded, tall elegant, large for genus F++/GEM  4.00
Engina curtisiana Smith, 1884 Australia, Broome  8-10mm, small robust shells, predominantly tan & white  F++/GEM   3.00
Caducifer decapitatus (Reeve, 1844) Marquesas Islands  10-15mm, always with spire missing - hence the name  F++   3.00
Neptunea decemcostata (Say, 1826) USA 60-80mm, east coast sp, heavily ridged & sculptured, w/o F++  15.00
Neptunea decemcostata (Say, 1826) USA 80-100mm, east coast sp, heavily ridged & sculptured, w/o F++  20.00
Penion dilatatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) New Zealand 80-100mm, angular sp, prominent keel with nodules, w/o F+/F++ 15.00
Penion dilatatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) New Zealand 100-120mm, angular sp, prominent keel with nodules, w/o F+/F++ 20.00
Penion dilatatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) New Zealand 120-140 f. jenkinsi, slender form of a variable species, w/o F++ 15.00
Searlesia dira (Reeve, 1846) USA, Washington 35-40mm, heavy chocolate brown species  F++   3.00
Triumphis distorta Wood, 1828 Panama, West  35-40mm, extremely distorted posterior of lip  F++  8.00
Cominella eburnea (Reeve, 1846) Australia, WA  30-35mm, variable colours & shapes, w/o  F++/GEM   3.00
Cantharus elegans (Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834) Mexico  40-45mm, dark brown with white  F++  5.00
Cantharus erythrostomus (Reeve, 1846) Australia, Broome  25-30mm, cream/tan/brown with orange aperture, w/o  F++/GEM   2.00
Japeuthria ferrea (Reeve, 1847) Japan  20-25-30mm, super orange sp with speckled brown spots, w/o  F++/GEM   4.00
Cantharus fumosus Dillwyn, 1817 Indonesia  20-25mm, inflated tan sp with brown, interrupted banding  F++/GEM   3.00
Siphonalia fusoides (Reeve, 1846) Japan  50-60mm, tan shells with extended anterior canal, w/o  F++    5.00
Austrofusus glans Roeding, 1798 New Zealand  40-50mm, nicely sculptured with tan & white, w/o  F++/GEM  5.00
Colus gracilis Da Costa, 1778 Great Britain  50-70mm, tall smooth white species  F++   3.00
Cominella glandiformis (Reeve, 1847) New Zealand  20-25mm, tan / cream or grey sp.  F++  3.00
Pisania ignea (Gmelin, 1791) Indonesia  20-25mm, brown with darker mottled pattern  F++/GEM   3.00
Engina incarnata (Deshayes, 1834) Indonesia  12-14mm, dark brown with fine white banding  F++/GEM   3.00
Aulacofusus insulapratensis Okutani & Lan, 1994 South China Sea  40-45mm, deep water sp, white with fine spiral ribs   dead   8.00
Aulacofusus insulapratensis Okutani & Lan, 1994 South China Sea  40-45mm, deep water, white, fine spiral ribs, live taken  F++   12.00
Cantharus iostomus (Gray in Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834) Indonesia  20-25mm, tall elegant species  F++/GEM   3.00
Cantharus iostomus (Gray in Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834) Marquesas Islands 20-25mm, from rare location  F++/GEM  5.00
Kelletia kelleti Forbes, 1852 USA, S. California  60-80mm, cream species with spiral lines, w/o   F++  12.00
Engina lineata  (Reeve, 1846) Australia, QLD 12-14mm, white with black lines and dots  F++/GEM   2.00
Cominella lineolata (Lamarck, 1809) Australia, WA  20-25mm, dark shells with dot and dash pattern, w/o  F++/GEM   3.00
Solenosteira macrospira (Berry, 1957) Mexico, West Coast  40-50mm, white/cream sp, coarse spiral ribs, low nodules F++/GEM   5.00
Engina mactanensis Cernohorsky, 1985 Philippines  8-10mm, white, bands of orange spots (aka E. lanceolata) F++/GEM   3.00
Cominella maculosa Martyn, 1784 New Zealand  30-40mm, large for genus, w/o  F++   5.00
Pisania maculosa (Lamarck, 1809) Europe, Cyprus 15-20mm, mottled brown on grey sp F++/GEM   3.00
Penion mandarinus Duclos, 1831 Australia, SA  over 100mm, brown mottled, spiral bands, super shells  F++  15.00
Penion mandarinus Duclos, 1831 Australia, SA  50-60mm, form oligostira, tall nicely sculptured species   F++  10.00
Penion mandarinus Duclos, 1831 Australia, SA  over 100mm, f whitei, tall, nicely sculptured, cream/white  F++   15.00
Penion maximus Tryon, 1881 Australia, SA  under 175mm, with nodules on shoulder  F+/F++  15.00
Penion maximus Tryon, 1881 Australia, SA  over 175mm, with nodules on shoulder  F+/F++   25.00
Cantharus melanostoma Sowerby, 1825 India  45-50mm, mottled brown with dark brown on columella  F++   5.00
Engina mendicaria (Linnaeus, 1758) Indonesia  15-18mm, black with yellow spiral bands, purple aperture  F++   3.00
Solenosteira mendozana (Berry, 1959) Mexico, West  40-50mm, angular, cream species some with perio  F++   6.00
Benthindsia miriamae Dell, 1967 New Zealand 50-70mm, rare deep water South Is., dead but representative  Dead    15.00
Solenosteira mendozana Berry, 1959 Mexico  40-50mm, typical for this species, w/o  F++   5.00
Phos naucratoros  Watson, 1882 Australia, QLD  20-25mm, typical for species  F++/GEM   4.00
Northia northiae Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834 Panama  50-60mm, typical, w/o  F++   6.00
Penion ormesi Powell, 1927 New Zealand 90-140mm, v. large, mostly white, South Is., pale spiral lines  F+/F++    20.00
Babylonia papillaris (Sowerby, 1825) South Africa  30-32mm, pretty with small discrete spotting  F++/GEM   25.00
Buccinum pemphigum Dall, 1907 Korea  40-50mm, inflated species, recurved anterior siphon, w/o  F++   15.00
Buccinum perryi Jay, 1855 Japan  40-50mm, very inflated, thin body whorl  F++/GEM   25.00
Euthria ponsonbyi Sowerby, 1889 South Africa  30-35mm, mottled brown pattern  F++/GEM   10.00
Cantharus pulcher (Reeve, 1844) Indonesia  20-25mm, nice red/orange species  F++/GEM   3.00
Engina pulchra (Reeve, 1846) Panama  10-15mm, heavily sculptured species  F++/GEM   3.00
Cominella quoyana Adams, 1850 New Zealand  18-20mm, pink with brown speckles F++/GEM   4.00
Aeneator recens Dell, 1951 South Island, NZ 40-50mm, rare deep water sp, angular shoulder, flared lip  F++   15.00
Aeneator recens Dell, 1951 South Island, NZ  40-50mm, rare deep water sp, angular - dead  Dead  8.00
Helicofusus rhyssus (Dall, 1907) Japan 40-45mm, deep water trawled, always eroded spire F+/F++   8.00
Cantharus ringens (Reeve, 1846) Panama, West  25-30mm, heavy species with purple/brown accents F++/GEM   4.00
Phos roseatus Hinds, 1844 Australia, WA  16-18mm, tall species, red/brown  F++/GEM   3.00
Cantharus sanguinolenta Duclos, 1833 Costa Rica  20-25mm, robust, superb red/white spotted aperture, w/o  F++/GEM   5.00
Phos sculptilis Watson, 1886 Australia, Broome 25-30mm, cream/yellow sp with pale pink aperture, w/o  F++/GEM   3.00
Phos sculptilis Watson, 1886 Australia, WA 20-22mm, pure white Pt. Hedland form with pink apex, w/o  F++/GEM   5.00
Phos senticosus (Linnaeus, 1758) Australia, WA  30-35mm, heavily sculptured sp. F++/GEM   3.00
Engina siderea (Reeve, 1846) Australia, QLD  12-16mm, white with black dashes  F++/GEM   4.00
Cantharus spiralis Gray, 1846 Oman  30-35mm, dark tan/brown shells with darker highlights  F++/GEM   4.00
Pisania striata (Gmelin, 1791) Malta 15-20mm, smooth, grey elongate shells, brown pattern F++/GEM   3.00
Triumphis subrostrata  Wood, 1828 Costa Rica 30-40mm, thick, heavy yellow sp with coroneted spire F++/GEM   3.00
Penion sulcata (Lamarck, 1816) New Zealand  100-200mm, nicely banded with fine chords w/o  F++  10.00
Bartschia surinamensis Okutani, 1983 Caribbean, Jamaica  50mm, tall elegant species from deep water, w/o  F++   sold out
Engina tabogaensis (Bartsch, 1931) Guaymas, Mexico  8-10mm, orange tan species, brown blotched nodules  F++/GEM    3.00
Neptunea tabulata Baird, 1863 USA, California  under 90mm, nicely sculptured, w/o  F+/F++    10.00
Neptunea tabulata Baird, 1863 USA, California  over 90mm, nicely sculptured, w/o  F+/F++    20.00
Cominella tasmanica  Tenison-Woods, 1878 Australia, WA  25-27mm, very variable, w/o  F++/GEM    3.00
Phos textum (Gmelin, 1791) Indonesia  20-24mm, heavy sculptured shells, orange aperture  F++/GEM   3.00
Genophos tinctus (Conrad, 1846) USA, Florida 25-30mm, robust with coarse spiral sculpture F++/GEM   3.00
Siphonalia trochulus (Reeve, 1843) Japan   40-45mm, tan shells with very fine white spiral bands  F++   5.00
Engina turbinella (Kiener, 1836) Caribbean  8-10mm, black with white spiral banding  F++/GEM   3.00
Buccinum undatum (Linnaeus, 1758) UK, Isle Of Man 70-90mm, heavy trawled species, w/o  F+/F++   3.00
Cantharus undosus (Linnaeus, 1758) Australia, WA  30-35mm, brown & white bands, yellow ringed aperture, w/o  F++/GEM   3.00
Cantharus vibex Broderip, 1833     Panama, West  30-35mm, tan/brown shells with heavy sculpture  F++/GEM   4.00
Ancistrolepis vietnamensis Sirenko & Goryachev, 1990 South China Sea 80-90mm, elongate with deep parallel spiral grooves F++/GEM 25.00
Cominella virgata H & A Adams, 1853 New Zealand  25-30mm, fine spiral banding, w/o  F++   3.00
Cantharus viverratus (Kiener, 1834) Africa, Senegal  30-40mm, tall heavy species  F++   4.00
Engina zonalis (Lamarck, 1822) Australia, QLD  12-15mm, black & white check pattern, orange aperture F++   2.00


UPDATED 01-01-25